Art By The Slice

Paintings and Fiber Art by Arthur Budak, August 2024

About The Artist

For the past several years,  Arthur Budak has been honing his skills in creating vibrant and colorful narrative based works at his studio apartment in Providence Rhode Island.

Born and raised in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, Arthur's work draws inspiration from the cartoon and scary stories that captivated him as a child.

Through his exploration as a student at the New Hampshire Institute of Art, Arthur found himself drawn to the traditional expression of painting, finding it offered a much more tactile experience compared to the then-new digital mediums.

Arthur's work often juxtaposes dark themes and subject matter with vibrant colors and playful design, inviting viewers to find light within the darkness. By providing only a snippet of the whole story, his work allows the viewers' imaginations to fill in the details and wonder "What happens next?"

Some notable achievements include  a self-published horror themed children's book and a vast array of murals and street art adorning the streets of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, & Rhode Island. 

From The Artist:

When discussing commissions with clients I often use the term "Cooking" to refer to getting the process started. As in, "Let me know what you had in mind and we can get cooking". Which is ironic because I absolutely abhor cooking in any shape or form.

From figuring out what to make, the selection of ingredients, the prep, the heat, the cleanup. The idea that I have to do this every day to survive is the exact reason my DoorDash bill adds up to one-third of my monthly expenses.

On the other hand, I absolutely love cooking up art. The figuring out what to make, the selection of materials, the prep, the mess, (Oh God do I love making a mess), the clean-up, all part
of the process.

That's what it really comes down to. The process. I used to get really hung up on the idea of the final result, Spending months at a time working on one piece to exhaustion.

That hasn't really changed much but I did realize that the satisfaction usually doesn't come from the final result. I'll never love the final result as much as I love the process.

Art by the Slice is an invitation into my kitchen, a peek behind my process

and the tasty colorful results that come out of the kitch, slice by slice.

Stay tuned for more imagery….